And..on sharing cakes with friends. THE reason I started doing cakes was for my beautiful sister. For her wedding I made probably the worst cake I've ever made (it even got messed up on the way there) and her beautiful soul treated it like the most wonderful possession she'd ever been gifted with. Wedding cakes, in our family, are a special thing. Our Aunt previously made our cakes, and we lost her soon before Brandy's wedding. So...where this is all going. My love is to make cakes for people as a gift. This past month I was able to do just that for a wonderful person who is expecting her first son, and it made me happier than two flies in a puddle of Georgia cane syrup. Tricia is a friend I met on the internet, and Little Lennie is to be their first son's name. A beautiful person inside and out, it gave me great job to make a cake for her. Along with her cake I made some cookies with these cutters, gifted to me by Sharon, and thought they were TOO adorable not to share also. Aren't friends the most beautiful things?
3 weeks ago
Heather, you truly are a wonderful person and I am so very thankful for your kindness. Your cake and cookies were beautiful AND delicious. Thank you again!!
Cute pictures
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