Cake #1 was for a lady having a 31st birthday party. She was using a fire theme, and asked for a recreation of one of my earlier cakes, with a little "pizazz" added. Buttercream icing, then airbrushed and some fondant flowers.

Then there was a cake for Olivia. I have made each of Olivia's cakes, including her shower I love doing cakes for her. I did a Minnie mouse theme for her...and hopefully her mommy loved it..her dad liked it (as much as guys like cake). Everything other than the ears on the hat are cake, and then buttercream icing with fondant accents.

Then a cake for've read about Max on my blog before. I just LOVE me some Max. He's Gabe's buddy, and his cake was his birthday present. Of course, he HAD to choose big ole toys and CHOCOLATE icing for it (we still love you Max). To make it tie in, I made a moon of white chocolate, and put the toys around it. That way my boy got what he wanted.

So..when I finished my cakes, it was time for the Highlands in barn show. Sarah has only been in one show before...and today makes two. She did awesome. She came home with a 2nd, 3rd and 4th ribbon. She even attempted a class that she was very unfamiliar with, which gives her more experience in just showing in general. She and Amelia shared Dibbs and did a great job keeping him calm and happy. In return, he treated them so well, and was SUCH a good boy for them.
At the beginning of the show, Elizabeth pointed out to Sarah that she had a ladybug on her shoulder, which is a sign of good luck!!
Dibbs and Sarah in their classes together! He wears his ribbons so proudly!
Micheala helped Sarah when we were getting ready! It's so great to have one of the older girls who know the ropes. The last picture is Alex and Appy. Normally, I wouldn't post other people's children, but Alex is SO sweet to Sarah and I just love this picture of her riding. She has the love of horses that just glows through her! She is ALSO Sarah's 4H Mentor.
In sad news, I mentioned in my last blog that Clyde, who Sarah loved so much, was feeling poorly. Sadly, Clyde passed to that great field in the sky this week. It's with much love that we wish him farewell and say a prayer to all the people who loved him. "Magic Man" as was his show name, but Clyde to those who knew him, was truly an awesome guy. He was "magic" alright, the sort of magic that is only between a horse and a little girl, the kind of magic that makes a child try harder - because she has the confidence he is giving her. Horses are magic to me anyway, but Clyde will always be remembered with love.
This quote comes to mind:
"The essential joy of being with horses is that it brings us in contact with the rare elements of grace, beauty, spirit and freedom."
Sharon Ralls Lemon
Sharon Ralls Lemon
Well, you jumped back in with both feet...nice cakes!!
Congrats to Sarah on her show- she did awesome!! I'm very sorry about Clyde's passing...yet so glad that he touched Sarah's life!
Great pictures!
This is SO fabulous for Sarah! I am busting with pride and joy. Tell her I am so proud of her.
Great cakes too lady; been a while I know.
Sorry to hear about Clyde, poor Sarah!
Now, I gotta tell you I LOVE your Minnie Cake, Brenna is getting a Minnie cake this weekend, if were closer I would have had you do one like that for her. VERY CUTE!!!
So sorry about Clyde, hope Sarah is doing o.k.
She is doing really great with the shows, I'm really proud of her also. WTG Sarah!
Beautiful cakes! You have such an amazing talent!
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