Sarah and Flicka are doing well. Flicka has started doing lessons WITH Sarah now, so they can both learn. They had their first this week, and did great. It's hard when you're a four year old horse to understand things, and hard when you're a pig headed 11 year old girl to know that your horse isn't the BEST thing that ever walked (well, maybe she is), but they are learning together and that's awesome. Here are some photos of her at the barn for her first lesson
Earlier this summer Sarah went to riding camp for the week. (Remind her, all of you, how wonderful her mom is for letting her do this.) Then the end of the week brought a dressage show for her. She rode Maggie and Bobbie Sox, who you can see below. She did well, it rained TERRIBLY hard and it was nasty, contrary to how the weather looks in these photos.
Riding Maggie in her dressage test
And a little Bobbie Sox riding
Just hanging out with Maggie between classes.
Our other big thing was summer camp with the scouts. Gabe loves Scout camp, this is his last year as a camper, next year he will have to volunteer. He had a great time. He went into it with a broken finger poor chap, then got attacked by ground hornets, but his awesome den leader (we love you joy) made it a good week anyways. Here are some photos from camp for your viewing pleasure!
His favorite water thing, zip lining! Gabe's in the blue life vest. Everyone must wear a life vest, good practice to have!
Slingshots! Which he is really good at!
We ALL go to camp, even dad gets in on the act. He is medic at waterfront, but we caught him riding his four wheeler!
Cub Scouting teaches respect for our flag. He was announcer for the flag ceremony this morning. He is the KING of announcement~!
And..just because this one I like:
And yes, the girls get in on the act, here's Ms Abigail
Sarah makes herself scarce, btw!
Lastly, this past weekend my nephew Taylor turned SIXTEEN! OMG save me! Well, we went to White Sands Beach for his birthday. What a fun time! Here are just a few from then.
Thanks to all of you for visiting our blog!! Now, all of you that haven't blogged in a while, and you KNOW who you are ANGIE, get to it!
1 comment:
What a lovely happy post about your summer!
Your kids look so adorable and very happy!
Nice to see you back :) xx
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