Since we last met, we've done so many things. Our lives focus around our children, and their likes and dislikes, so we'll work on the likes here (and ignore the dislikes like good parents should).
Gabe has finished out his Scouting year with a bang, earning his Webelo badge and is moving toward his arrow of light. For the third time this year he achieved A average honor roll at school, REALLY an awesome kiddo. He has chosen not to play baseball this summer for the first time since he started playing ball, but I'm actually kind of relishing the break. He's looking forward to learning to cut the grass with his dad if one can imagine wanting to cut grass.
He's a sneaky buggar to get a picture of, but I got this one:
Sarah is as always up to her ears in horses. She is the proud rescuer of a little quarter horse mare, who she has named Flicka. When Flicka came to us she was very underweight and a sad sad tale. Today she still shows some signs that will take years to go away of that abuse, but is a new horse. I'll share some before and afters of her here in a few. Sarah participated in her first real horse show outside of the barn last weekend and did awesome! She, of COURSE, also has achieved A average honor roll all three nine weeks. She, of COURSE, has no interest in learning to cut the grass. Her other achievement of late was that she and Harley, our 6 month old German Shepherd, entered the 4H pet show, and achieved a "cutest ears" first place ribbon. I shall share his ears, you will totally agree with them.
My freckled beauty at the pet show:
Her beautiful freckles amaze me:
Flicka then: and honestly, this is a good picture of then, she looked much worse in person, this was February.
Flicka now: she's moved to an awesome friends house, is eating good groceries and getting good work, pink thing is bareback pad, kids are slowing getting her used to having someone on her back, and I'm lunging her to get some energy out.

Abi continues to be the same cutie patootie she always was. Kindergarten in this family means a hiatus from outside activities, so she's on a break from her typical dance regime, but I hear daily how she's starting back this summer. She amazes me with her learning, it's always so crazy how fast they start picking up reading and math and spelling. She has also learned to be a great help in the kitchen, one day, if you are all out our way, ask her to make you her "famous pizza", it's killer! She's turned an amazing SIX years old, and gotten her ears pierced! I told her that's all the growing up for now please.
Her cake:

Blowing out her candle:
You can spy a little big girl earring here:
For those following my gastric bypass journey, I'm now down 140 lbs. I've got some more to go, but I am feeling like a million bucks. It's a crazy journey, but one well worth traveling. I have been back on a horse for the first time in 12 years, and can move and groove with the best of them keeping up with these kiddos.
My husband, as always, continues to be my hero. He'll get upset at me for writing that, b/c he doesn't feel like he's a hero, but he is. He works so hard for us and continues to be right here by me to be my rock when I need him.
I did do a cake of late, I'm not doing them anymore other than family and friends, this was for a friend, very fun to do. Fondant cake, sugar ice and beer bottles, fondant crawfish and goodies.
So..I'll leave you with that, and some photos. I will try not to be away so long next time!
Mr Big Ears:
And..dressed for the costume contest:
Our family:
1 comment:
So nice to see you blogging again - and what a lovely family you have, from Mr Big Ears and Flicka (that's a different horse!) to your delightful children and wonderful hubby.
Most of all though, glad to hear you are doing so well !
Pat xx
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