Well..talk about a diamond in the rough. It's a small zoo, but you could NOT ask for a cleaner, friendlier or more child friendly atmosphere. Just enough animals to keep the kids happy, a very well thought out map to follow, and wonderful caretakers that were friendly to our children and talked with them a bit about the flamingos. Even more exciting was it was only $21 TOTAL for the five of us to get in!
Well, as we were pulling out of the driveway from the zoo, we saw a sign that said "Don't forget to visit our Cohn Arboretum, it's free!! So off we went. Acres and acres of the most gorgeous plants. I was in camera happy momma heaven. I had been trying forever to explain painted devil grasshoppers as we called them as kids to MY kids. This place was FULL of them. Ages ago, when I was young, my Gramps' yard was chock full of them, and he loved to scare you by putting them on you. I LOVED my Gramps, so it was a wonderful memory for me to see them.
Of COURSE I took a million pictures, and had a hard time choosing which ones to share with you guys, so bare with me.
I found it so invigorating to be walking around in the gorgeous outdoors with my kids, and to imagine it was all so inexpensive is amazing to me. When you have three children, doing things can be VERY expensive, and I was so pleased to see BREC working to enrich childrens lives so much.
First, some zoo pictures:
This one I find SO funny, it's TOO hot for soft serve in
Louisiana in July and August!!

My absolute favorite zoo mammal!!

and..a family favorite, we FLOCK to see the flamingos!!

My own two meerkats ( I insisted prairie dogs, they meerkats, too much Animal Planet!

Louisiana in July and August!!
My absolute favorite zoo mammal!!
and..a family favorite, we FLOCK to see the flamingos!!
My own two meerkats ( I insisted prairie dogs, they meerkats, too much Animal Planet!
And then on to the Arboretum
Great pictures- sounds like you all had a really nice time! We love the zoo too!
and he was well worth manually focussing for. Excellent picture!
Family's looking good - glad you had such a nice times at the zoo.
Looks like a nice zoo, I prefer the smaller zoos too.
Glad you and your family had a nice day.
Great pictures!
I'm so glad you all enjoyed yourselves!
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