Exciting things..a few of my cake friends, including my fabulous Sharon, competed in TLC Ultimate Cake Challenge, which will air in a few weeks. I can't wait to see the outcome and watch my girls on tv~
My kids are doing great. Ms Abigail will start Kindergarten this year, so I'll be without children at home...so time to get a job. I"m going to try subbing, and possibly get my para certificate, I just want to stay near my children. We've had a great summer spending time with our friends, friends and family mean so much.
Jamie has been in school, and is ALMOST done~!! He'll probably kill me for this, but I"m SO proud of him, he's doing awesome! I can't wait to throw my Paramedic a graduation party, I need cake ideas all you cake girls. Jamie is SUCH an awesome student always, but I am overwhelmed when I think of what he has done taking on this class with a family and being D. Chief at the same time. (OK, I promise to stop crowing).
I"m excited to start our new Scouting year. We'll be changing our meetings to a new location, and hopefully growing our pack. We will also be selling first aid kits as a fundraiser to send our boys to camp, so anyone interested, please let me know!! Abi will be dancing again in the fall, and I'm trying to convince Jamie to get some chickens for Sarah to show for 4h, I REALLY think she'd enjoy them. On a good news on the Sarah front, her IBS seems to be doing fairly well this summer. I'm praying for a great teacher for her, b/c her teacher's personality affects her stomach so much, and Mrs Bond was SO awesome for her last year I pray she has a great relationship with her 5th grade teacher. She's overcoming some issues at riding as well, and I pray she figures out what it is she wants from her horsey relationship, b/c sometimes I"m not sure if she really wants to ride, or just commune with her four footed friends.
Ok, on to the cakes....and maybe I can find a photo or two of the gorgeous children who live in my house and seem to grow daily.
First, a baby shower cake. The shadows make this cake look terrible, but it really was cute. I'm not A on my caking game lately though, I'll admit that wholeheartedly. I wish these parents SO much joy with their baby girl, they are going to make awesome parents! The father is a firefighter with Jamie.
For my niece, they wanted something Hannah Montanaish
And my buddy Colby, who even posed with his for me...
Ooh, I remember more things when going through my camera, I do love this camera, it's my short term memory folder. Last week we went to the sprinkler park in Mandeville, kinda fun and a good way to cool off for the kiddos. I saw the cool bird while we were there, I'm thinking it's a hawk, but I'm not sure. Then...for 4th of July my Secret Pal on Ladycakes sent us the most awesome package with fun things for the kiddos and wonderful gifts for me, and I found the picture I took of them for her and never sent her poor gal. Then..there's a riding picture of Sarah and Dibs. Dibs is wet b/c he took a trip through a mud puddle and had to be hosed before he was even saddleable (hmm...that's not a word is it).
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