It's with a new sadness I write this blog. Last week, I thought that I could feel no deeper sadness, today I know I was wrong.
Today was taken from me the most beautiful man there ever was. The man who raised me to be the woman I am today. The man who loved me like I was his own, and gladly shared me with my biological father, knowing that each of them held their own special spot in my heart.
This time last week, I thought the healing process would begin. Tonight, I sit wondering how all of this could happen, and if my heart will ever heal. My bounty of blessings, my two Dads, have been both taken from me in one week. It makes one wonder, it wavers ones faith, and shakes them to the core.
On December 4th the world lost a treasure. Those of us who were touched by him were better off for it. Those he leaves behind mourn him painfully, although they know he is in a far better place than they. The things he gave me in my life were not things that could be given a tangible value, but things that will live with me forever, and live through my children, and all of his grandchildren. God must have needed a powerful force in Heaven to have taken him from us. I know that somewhere, right now, his mother is welcoming her "Billie" with open arms, and his heart aches no more for his lost loved ones. He is rejoicing in the arms of his maker, his mother, his father, a daughter and a wife that passed before him.....and watching over so many that he left behind.
Mr Bill (as he was known by most everyone) will live on in our hearts. I take comfort in knowing that God gave him to me for the time that he did, and deep, mournful pain that that time was so abruptly ended. I know not what to say to even begin to explain how I feel, but felt the need to get some of it out. I thank all of my friends for their prayers, and hold my loved ones close to my heart - we will all need each other so much in the days, weeks, months and even years to come.
My Beloved H there are no words I can say to tell you how heartbroken I am for you. No words. Just know that IO love you with all ym heart and am here for you in whatever you need, anytime. He truly was a beautiful man, insode and out.
Heather-I am so sorry for your loss! I do not have the right words to say, but know that you are in my prayers. I'm here if you need an ear or anything else.
Heather, my thoughts and prayers are with you during this awful time. No one should have to face so much loss especially in so little time.
My heart is breaking for you and your family. I'm so very sorry. I wish I had the words, but no one does. Just know that you and your family are in my prayers.
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