We dodged the rain and did our bbqing, then made some homemade ice cream (god bless that kitchen aid churn attachment, she's so good to me). When darkness fell we headed outside for our good ole redneck fireworks show!
Here's how it works, we all pile into the back of Jamie's truck and he is the fireworks guy. He puts them out in the street in front of our house (we live on a little dead end gravel road). That way everyone is safe. This year I took Harley out, b/c I really feel like they should be used to all noises. Molly just gets too excited, not scared at all, just wants to participate TOO much.
Then we always let the kids play with sparklers and Jamie helps them shoot roman candles. Amazing how fast it all goes, but they love it!
Praise God for the independence that allows us to celebrate this day...and for living in the country where you can shoot fireworks with no fear of irritating your neighbor...our whole street does it!
On to the photos of course, not great ones, b/c I had a certain dog sniffing my camera.
Blurry fireworks...I try every year to get cool fireworks pics, and never succeed.
Abi and her "cannon" she called it
Checking out the loot
He wuvs her, really he does
A fountain
That's all folks!! I hope you enjoyed your fourth as much as we did ours!!