Why yes, it was!
Today our Pack hosted a Living History Unit, who dressed and maintained the era of the Civil War for our boys and taught them SO many wonderful things. I had to laugh when once they fired off the canon, had our boys play their enemy,and ALL of the boys fell to the ground as the canon was fired.
TALK ABOUT an awesome job! These men drew our boys into the excitement like nothing you've ever seen. We're talking 10 year old boys DANCING the Virginia Reel! They did several period dances, which the boys and girls both seemed to enjoy. Seeing the ladies in their hoop skirts dancing is just so beautiful to me.
That first canon fire almost scared the pants off of me, but as I got used to it it was neat to hear. Their camp was SO cool, the boys loved sitting around the fire and asking questions and looking at all the neat things they had to share.
As night fell, they did a night fire of the canon for us, MAN was it beautiful. They packed it with steel wool, so that as it fired, the colors could be seen, the boys were amazed!
The weather man promised us rain today, but God gave us Glory. Although we had a few sprinkles, the rain held out until JUST after the last night fire, then it came booming down with all it's might.
Later this week we'll have more about this event on our Pack site if you'd like to see more, www.pack602.com. We did this in preparation for our trip to Vicksburg battleground later this year with the boys. Teaching them is SO easy and fun when they don't realize they are learning.
If you have a boy, and you haven't explored Scouting, I encourage you to. Our boy, and for that matter our girls, have learned so much through their scouting experience that I find priceless for him. On top of that, it has brought us so much closer to him and his friends and their parents.
I hope that YOU are having as great a weekend as us! If your weather is nice, get out and do something with your kids, they'll remember it always!
3 weeks ago